Couples Therapy

511556308Lack of maintenance makes repairs more expensive.

Life becomes a reality after the wedding bells stop ringing. As time advances, maintaining a loving, romantic, and understanding relationship becomes more difficult. Jobs, children, finances, separation due to job-related travel, and other demands can strain a relationship. Lack of maintenance in a relationship makes the damage worse.

Some couples come to couples therapy to improve relationship and address issues before they develop into severe problems. They use couples therapy to seek mediation and resolution of issues that arise. Some might want to find ways to maintain intimacy and romance while balancing other demands.

Other couples deal with significant issues threatening their relationship, making couples therapy more challenging. Communication often results in open conflict over time, causing one partner or both to drift farther apart. Infidelity may be an issue, or a sexual relationship between the couple has ceased to exist.

Significant life changes, illnesses, or financial problems can cause couples to drift apart or disagree. Finding a resolution for these problems is what we focus on with our clients in couples therapy.

Couples therapy helps you grow together – not apart.

You may find yourself longing for how things used to be, sad about the fights you keep having, or feeling scared that the problems might never change. Hard conversations may be challenging to have, making it simpler to avoid them. Or there has been betrayal and broken trust.

Alternatively, you may need a tune-up or to receive advice about specific issues in your marriage relationship.

Whatever the issue, we can help you breathe new life into your relationship. We offer a place where you and your partner can come precisely as you are, and we can work together to bring about openness and honesty to allow for healing in your relationship, build trust, and repair the broken parts.

Build upon relational strengths and feel “on the same team” again. Develop communication skills and emotional intelligence, learn to process complex incidents or behaviors, connect through conflict, and establish healthy boundaries. These are our goals in couples therapy.

44258257Good maintenance keeps the marriage running smoothly.

We can help you with specific problems in your relationship through couples therapy and offer methods to help you achieve your goals.

We will start with open discussions about your relationship and the challenges you face. Then, we will work together to help you understand how each of you perceives the relationship. Understanding and respect for each other are critical to a lasting relationship.

It’s never too early for couples to seek therapy. We encourage open communication where each partner is heard and understood in this space.

Contact us today, and let’s start finding ways to improve your relationship.